Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Do You Pinterest?

Are you on Pinterest? Do you pin your ebay listings? I love Pinterest for my own pleasure but I also pin some of my ebay listings. I try not to pin too many at one time so as not to annoy my followers (most of whom started following me before I started pinning my listings). And I try to pin just my more interesting listings.

A couple of months ago a fellow reseller introduced me to a Pinterest/Facebook group that may interest you called Pinterest Exchange Marketing Group. The idea of the group is that you may list up to five of your items every day. For every 1 item you list you must repin 2 items from other members. So if you only list 3 items on the board that day you would repin 6 and so on. And likewise other people are repinning the items you have listed. I don't have any concrete evidence that it has done me any good but I know I have sold things I've listed to the group. Whether they sold because someone repined the item or not I can't know. It seems like a good idea though so I do it. It only takes me a few minutes and I don't do it every day. I'm pretty picky about which items I will repin too. Some peoples' listings have bad pictures or are just items I don't like and I'm not going to subject my followers to 'junk' that I really wouldn't pin. Okay that is a little harsh...but some people just don't realize how much a bunch of wrinkles or a bad picture ruins a listing. If you do decide to try it out each new list is started around 9 or 10 pm each day. The best way to get repinned as much as possible is to add your items to the list as soon as you can after a new list is started. If you wait until the next day you are toward the end of the list and there aren't as many people joining the list at that point to pin your items.

Another Facebook Group I have joined is the What Is This group. It's people helping each other identify items. It's been really helpful to me on a few different things that I couldn't place.  It's a good education too for learning how to identify certain things.

Do you belong to any groups that you feel are truly valuable?


  1. So funny that you posted about Pinterest. I don't spend much time there and I only just started pinning some of my listings the other day. I put it on a board I call "ebay." I still don't truly understand the website. So tell me, after you sell the item, do you delete the pin?

  2. I used to delete pins after I sold an item but I don't anymore. My ebay pins are spread out on multiple boards. Like I have a board called Vintage Love which contains some of my ebay pins but also lots of vintage goodies I've seen on Pinterest. I do have one ebay board but that is for the Facebook Marketing group pins. You are required to have a dedicated board for that group. If there are any other questions you have about Pinterest let me know and I'll try to answer them. I've been pinning for over a year.
